Historic Yellow Springs
Donate to HYS

Support Historic Yellow Springs

Funded almost entirely by private support, Historic Yellow Springs relies on the generous participation of members, donors and sponsors to make possible all that we do. Your investment in Historic Yellow Springs sustains our historic village and the vibrant programs offered in the arts, history and nature. There are many ways to become involved and make a tax-deductible donation. Find the one that is right for you!

Anyone that has visited Historic Yellow Springs knows what a special place it is. As a historic village devoted to arts, history and nature, we serve nearly 22,000 people who visit us each year. They learn about our history, take art classes, attend summer camp and enjoy events in the beautiful and natural environment of our 142 acres of open space. What better investment in the future than that?

Without support from the public, Historic Yellow Springs could not exist. We depend on the generosity of individuals, families, businesses, and foundations to carry out all of our work. Please join the growing number of people who believe in our mission of providing education in arts, history, and nature. Your gift ensures that innovative educational programs, exhibitions, and events are available to our community at this remarkable historic site.

Every dollar counts. Every gift matters.

Unique Giving

Honor or Memorialize a Loved One

Your gift to Historic Yellow Springs can honor or celebrate the life of a special person. A card acknowledging the gift will be sent to the family or friend and your gift will be noted in our Annual Report. This is a wonderful way to help Historic Yellow Springs and to honor or memorialize a loved one.

Matching Corporate Donations

If your company matches gifts that you make to the Historic Yellow Springs, it could double the value of your contribution! Please take a moment to get a matching gift form from your personnel office and follow the directions to initiate a match. Some companies that have matched gifts to Historic Yellow Springs include GlaxoSmithKline, Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies, and SAP.

Stock Donations

Donation of stock is a great way to contribute to Historic Yellow Springs and easy to do. Email Historic Yellow Springs we will contact you to share the process of making this type of donation.

Vehicle Donation

Your donation of a vehicle will benefit Historic Yellow Springs. It’s a safe, hassle-free alternative to selling or trading your car. Free pick-up, fast and friendly service! Learn More

In-Kind Gifts

Gifts of items or services really help us stretch our limited resources! If you wish to make an in-kind gift, please contact our Development Office. There are many ways to show your support. We are happy to assist you with any questions about giving to Historic Yellow Springs at 610-827-7414, ext.14. Every dollar counts. Every gift matters.

Please contact kmcgarrys@yellowsprings.org or call 610-827-7414 for more information or with any questions.

Historic Yellow Springs’ Donation Wishlist

Donations are 100% tax deductible

Please contact kmcgarrys@yellowsprings.org or call 610-827-7414 for more information or with any questions.