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History Archives

A rendering of the historic Washington hall when it was used during the revolutionary War the foundation ruins are still visible in the village of yellow springs

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We are currently in the process of adding our history archives to our online database.

Online Archives made possible by a generous grant from the Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission.

The Moore History Archives at Historic Yellow Springs preserves and provides access to documentary evidence of the history of the village of Yellow Springs. Collections are available for scholarly research, exhibitions, journalism, documentary productions, school programs and other research and educational activities and for those who want to know about people, places, and events in the past.

The collections represent the eight record groups that interpret the history here. They include:

  • Record Group 1 — Revolutionary War and before (1721 to 1781)
  • Record Group 2 — Spa Periods (1782-1861)
  • Record Group 3 — Civil War and PA Soldiers’ Orphans School (1862-1912)
  • Record Group 4 — Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts Country School (1916-1952)
  • Record Group 5 — Good News Productions (1952-1974)
  • Record Group 6 — Historic Yellow Springs (1974-present)
  • Record Group 7 — Chester Springs Studio
  • Record Group 8 — Native American Habitation

In addition to paper-based textual records, many collections contain photographs, sound recordings, artwork, artifacts such as furnishings, archaeological finds, and limited motion picture films and videotapes. A small reference library is available.

A written finding aid is available for most collections consisting of a scope and content note describing the content of the collection and a container list that details the contents of a collection by box and folder. Collections are currently being entered into the PastPerfect Museum program and will be electronically available when completed.

The Moore Archives acquires its collections by donation, often in conjunction with the acquisition of related artifacts and in collaboration with the archival staff. Documentation projects — including oral and video histories — actively create new research collections. Research was conducted in the early years of the Historic Yellow Springs organization and new research is added when available. Much of this early research consists of secondary source material. Of course, we continue to collect data on our present history.

To arrange your visit or donate materials, contact our Archive Department at archives@yellowsprings.org or 610-827-7414, ext. 19.

Can the HYS staff do your research?

If it does not involve a large expenditure of time for the Archivist, small amounts of photocopying or quick searches through the collections for very specific items can be done within a few weeks of the request. However, for larger jobs, you must come into the Archives or hire an independent researcher.

Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission is an active sponsor of the Archives at Historic Yellow Springs.

Events Covered in the Moore History Archives

The Moore Archives include numerous activities and events within the regularly updated Record Groups.

Online Collection of Historic Material

We work with the PastPerfect Museum software to record and store data on our collection. The Historic Yellow Springs online collection includes all photographs, and Record Groups 1, 2 and 3. We add new records continuously.

Tour Guides

We work with our Volunteer Coordinator to develop, plan and implement tours for visitors to Historic Yellow Springs. We have hosted Quester groups, school groups, senior citizen communities, Scout groups, garden clubs, historical societies and many other historic and special interest groups. Please contact Sandy Momyer at archives@yellowsprings.org if joining our Guide program interests you.

Historical Records

Document new records and archaeological artifacts including orphan shoes found in The Washington, new art work by Albert Van Nesse Greene, orphan buttons, chards of pottery found on the property, a small sculpture done by a PAFA student, and new books published that include reference to Historic Yellow Springs.

Research for Publications

Authors writing books; artists painting pictures – needed research and images.

Joan and James Moore are philanthropic supports of the archives at Yellow Springs for over 10 years. James Moore is a descendant of Eleanor Moore, first and only female principal of the Pennsylvania Soldiers’ Orphan School. We appreciate their support.