Ceramics National – Call for Artists
December 7–15, 2024
Historic Yellow Springs
Historic Yellow Springs is pleased to announce an open call to all artists, age 18 and up, who design and produce their own work, to show in this year’s Yellow Springs Ceramics National. Open to works that are at least 75% ceramic material, this exhibition aims to curate a selection of exemplary contemporary work from artists around the country.
A catalog will be created by Historic Yellow Springs containing artists’ work(s), together with the juror’s bio and statement.
With Juror: Chris Staley
Chris Staley is a Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Art at Penn State University. He was selected to be the Penn State Laureate for 2012–13. In 2017, he was awarded the University’s Milton Eisenhower Distinguished Teaching Award and in 2021 he received a NCECA Excellence in Teaching Award. Chris was once rejected to all the graduate MFA programs he applied to; however, after attending the Kansas City Art Institute for a year as a special student, he went on to earn his MFA from Alfred University. He has traveled extensively as a visiting artist from Bezalel Academy in Israel to Haystack Mountain School of Crafts in Maine. He has received two National Endowment of the Arts Grants. His work is in many collections, including the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City, and the Victoria & Albert Museum in London as well as friends’ cupboards. He has served on the Board of Directors at the Archie Bray Foundation, in Helena, Montana and on the Board of Trustees at The Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, and served as President for NCECA, the National Council of Education for the Ceramic Arts.

Important Dates
- October 4, 2024: All entries due by midnight
- October 25, 2024: Acceptance/Rejection emails will be sent
- November 22, 2024: Mail delivered artwork due at Historic Yellow Springs
- November 26, 2024: Hand delivered work intake (10am – 12pm and 3pm – 6pm)
- December 6th, 2024: Gallery Reception, Lecture & Award Ceremony, 6-8pm
- December 7, 2024 – December 15, 2024: Exhibition dates
- January 7, 2025: Hand delivered work pick up (10am – 12pm and 3pm – 6pm)
- Week of January 13th, 2025: Artwork shipped back begins
Open to all artists, ages 18 and up, who design and produce their own work. Work must have been created within the last three years and may not have been previously shown at Historic Yellow Springs. All work must be for sale.
Contact Jaclyn Clark.