Visitor Experience Survey 2025

We are here to serve our community. As a visitor to Historic Yellow Springs, you support the mission to share, preserve, and celebrate this unique living village while focusing on history, arts, education, and the environment. Please take a moment to share your thoughts before February 28, 2025 for a chance to win a Historic Yellow Springs swag bag and handmade mug. Thanks in advance! ~ Tim Compton, Executive Director

When was the most recent time you visited the village of Yellow Springs?(Required)
Overall, How would you rate you most recent visit to Historic Yellow Springs?(Required)

Have you shared with a friend or family member about your latest visit to Historic Yellow Springs?(Required)
Are you currently a member of Historic Yellow Springs?(Required)
What community program was the basis for your most memorable experience at Historic Yellow Springs?(Required)

Name (Optional)
This field is required if you would like to be entered into the drawing for the yellow springs gift bag.
This field is required if you would like to be entered into the drawing for the yellow springs gift bag.