Open House & Fall Festival Scavenger Hunt
Allow the riddles to guide you to each location where you will find a color-matched coin to trade in for special prizes.
- In the structure where wood fueled the heat, find the spot where potters like to meet. Among the ashes and brick remains, your token hides where old embers once blazed.
- Where clear waters sparkle and gleam, find the spring that’s like a dream. Look near the source where the crystals flow, your token is hidden where the waters glows.
- Where the stage is set and curtains part, find the place where the arts play their part. Your token is hidden where applause might ring, so search the area where performers sing.
- Where the waters bubble with a sulfurous scent, find the spring where the famous singer went. Search near the source of this mineral spring, your token is hidden where the springs gently sing.
- Among the remnants where history’s wounds were mended, find your token where the past is not ended. Search the ruins where the echoes of old remain, your prize is hidden where history’s marks are plain.
- In the haven where tales and wisdom dwell, seek the corner where silence swells. Find the location where knowledge is vast, your token rests where the written word is amassed.
Coins can be traded in for prizes
The table is located at the bottom of the pumpkin race pit area
6 Coins = Large Prize
4 Coins = Medium Prize
2 Coins = Small Prize